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Ochrona przyrody – Natura 2000

Protection of nature – Nature 2000

VICESIMA’s experts have the necessary knowledge and experience to the project preparation for the fulfillment of the requirements of the Natura 2000 network. We help investors to plan investment process so as to minimize the impact of the project on protected areas. A uniform system of environmental protection has been created in the beginning of the 21st century in the member countries of the European Union.

This system is known as European Ecological Natura 2000 Network. This network consists of thousands of bigger and smaller sites established according to legal acts of European Union. These legal acts are: Council Directive 79/409/EEC on Wild Birds known as the Birds Directive and Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora known as Habitats Directive. Establishing the Natura 2000 network in each country is the duty of governments of all EU member countries. These countries are obliged protect, preserve and reconstruct such sites.

If conditions in any of such sites deteriorates, a different area with the same habitats must be enlarged. Natura 2000 sites which has already been established often lay within the previously existent protection areas, e.g. national parks, landscape and nature reserves. However, it happens that they are established in places that have not been protected before, like agricultural areas.

The European Ecological Network will develop and get its shape through the oncoming decades. The continuously changing environment of the European continent will most probably force changes into the concept of the network, to make it fit current needs of environmental protection. We invite you to discover the assumptions that most of EU initiatives for the protection of biodiversity of our continent in the course of our training


Vicesima Sp. z o.o.
Plac Solny 14,
50-062 Wrocław



NIP: PL 897-17-55-768
REGON: 021077851
KRS: 0000337859


Kiełczów Nowe Centrum
ul. Agrestowa 20, 55-093
Kiełczów k. Wrocławia




PKO Bank Polski S.A.

Bank account number:
IBAN: PL 26 1020 5242 0000 2502 0621 2601 PLN



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Contact our specialists:

tel.: +48 71/735 13 30
fax: +48 71/735 13 40

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